Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WOD 2/16/10

I'll be completing today's WOD with the satisfaction and determination I would have to drink a hand grenade on Bourbon St. right now.

Last night's WOD had tons and tons of running... blaaaaa. I got a weird burn sensation on the top of my right thigh around my hip while doing the squat power cleans but thanks to my great coaches we figured out a way to work without activating that pain while being able to complete the WOD. I cant mention enough how much I love having them there to help and motivate me. For some reason I expected them to dismiss my discomfort as unimportant but instead they were sincerely concerned and determined to correct the problem. I'll never expect less then the best from my coaches again!


10 Rounds of
One Ring Australian pull-up
KB swings M55 W35
Double Unders

On a continous running clock, you will be performing each movement for 30 seconds AMRAP then rotate. After four movements you will rest for 30 seconds.

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